Author: Traci
•8:02 PM
Since making the decision to take a break from baby making I have been looking for a way to fill my time. The Cardio Theatre at Gold’s Gym is filling the bill quite nicely. I can totally lose track of time and let me mind wonder.

In fact it wondered so far away from the treadmill that I shot off the back of the damn thing. Just another one of my “precious moments” I suppose. I must have forgotten to keep moving.

I am trying to lose the extra pounds that have crept onto my body in the past year and a half. It is not leaving as quickly as I would like. Apparently I am a fabulous host and the fat would prefer to stay right where it’s at. How rude!

If I can’t sweat the stuff off of me then I may just have to resort to yoga classes. I used to do yoga at home and loved it. I have to confess that I have a secret fear of yoga in a class setting. I’m afraid I will toot during downward dog or something, ‘cause hey that’s the way I roll.

I've lost 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks.  Nice start, but not going to cut it.  Anyone have any weight loss tips or secrets?  Please share 'em if you've got 'em.
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On November 2, 2009 at 8:10 PM , Anonymous said...

You toot? Oh goosh that could be devastating to the environment.

On November 3, 2009 at 6:21 PM , The Swann's said...

You go girl!!! Just make sure not to eat anything that makes those toots extra stinky. :-)

On November 4, 2009 at 1:26 PM , Anonymous said...

Too funny! Good luck with your weight loss and your baby making. I hope you acheive both your goals.
