Author: Traci
•7:47 PM
Today I had the pleasure of going on a fieldtrip for work and met some incredible individuals. We visited RHD-MO which is a wonderful place that provides an artistic outlet for people who have been labeled developmentally disabled. The cool thing is they focus on abilities and not the “dis” of that label.

They have art workshops and are guided by professional artists to explore and express themselves. Art shows allow the artists an opportunity to sell their work and be part of the community.

However, my favorite part is the music studio. Again individuals are supported by professional musicians to create their own songs. As I was leaving I was given CD’s of their work to check out. I couldn’t wait to listen to them and popped them in the CD player in the car. The first song I heard both touched me and cracked me up. A young man summed up his view of the world. You’re Pretty or You’re Poo Poo. I wish I could put the song on here, but it is copyrighted. It’s been running through my head all evening. It’s quite a catchy tune.

Here’s a link to their website. Check them out and if you feel inclined find a way to support this wonderful place. They just opened in February and have already made a difference in many lives.
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