Author: Traci
•7:22 PM

Flexibility is the cornerstone of my existence and I pride myself on being able to change plans and go with the flow. Lately I think I am stretched to the end of my range of motion (picture the game Twister). More and more I am just wanting things my own way. This is not a good thing considering I am an assistant at work and a wife at home. When it comes to making a baby so much of it is beyond my control and now I need to rely on doctors, which takes even more control out of my hands.

Our plan for next cycle was to be one of the first patients at The Fertility Partnership and I was hanging a lot of hope on this new venture. It made taking a break this cycle easier to cope with. Today I found out that they will be delayed a couple of weeks for the opening due to a construction delay. It will not open in time for us to properly time an IUI next month. I’m crushed.  More delays and lost time and another month down the drain.

So now it is time to come up with a new revision to the plan. I think we are up to plan Z, possibly even double digits, I’ve lost count. I will dig deep and find another scrap of flexibility to change plans. Stay tuned for the next episode of mi vida loca (my crazy life).
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